After a bit of Googling and tweaking code, I found a solution, which I will post at a later date, but in the meantime, here's a list of a few useful links relating to manipulating dates using JavaScript.
- DateJs - Very useful little JavaScript utility for working with dates.
- Parsing W3C's ISO 8601 Date/Times in JavaScript - Useful script that uses Regular Expressions to handle ISO Format Dates.
- JavaScript Date Object -Estelle Weyl's useful article giving an overview of the JavaScript date object.
- JavaScript Toolbox Date Formating - A useful library contains functions to deal with dates in Javascript, parse date strings, format dates to different output strings, and compare dates.
- JavaScript Pretty Date - John Resiq's function to convert dates to "web 2.0" style strings, eg Something like "2008-01-28T20:24:17Z" would become "2 hours ago".
- JavaScript ISO8601/RFC3339 Date Parser -Another approach to formatting ISO dates.
- PHPDate - Jon Combe's jQuery port of PHP's Date function. Very useful!
- JavaScript Source Date & Time - A list of scripts that might come in handy for some readers.
- JavaScript date string formatting - Svend Tofte's interesting script. again, based on PHP's date function.
- JavaScript Date Formatting - An Unorthodox Way -Most date formatting implementations use format strings where format specifiers like “mm”, “mmm”, “HH”, etc. are used for selecting different components of a date. Ates Goral tackles the date object from a different angle.