Monday 6 October 2008

JavaFX. Am I missing something?

This post may be early (if JavaFX becomes HUGE) or late (if JavaFX has already sunk without trace), I'm not really sure, but thought I'd post about this, for no other reason than I've just spent an hour or so surfing JavaFX sites after accidentally finding it in an article on

Apparently, Sun has a new(ish) product family called JavaFx. (Read more about it on Wikipedia)

"The language offers interactivity, animation and programming consistent with AJAX, Adobe's Flash and Microsoft's new Silverlight technology, but employs the Java runtimes installed on your local client instead of clumsy JavaScript."

Wow! Another new technology to do what several others can already do. I'm blown away, really.

Am I seriously supposed to believe that Java, which was as good as wiped out by the rise of Flash is going to make a serious comeback? From the demos I've seen I doubt it will happen. They all seem slow to load and run, and do nothing that the likes of Flash, Director, AJAX or Silverlight can't already do as well, or better.

In other words, based on all important first impressions, despite the title of the InternetNews article "Does JavaFX Spell the End of AJAX", I'm not going to put any money on it. Or am I missing something?

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